Architect Insoo Park, a former co-representative at iArc for 10 years, has established PARKiz in 2010 in response to a calling from society for new designs in cities, environments, and products. Along with the 2011 Korean Young Architects Award, he won first prize at the Gyeonggi Architecture Culture Award with his Dongtan Town House, the first year the firm was founded. In 2011, Park's "Shaft System for Controlling Indoor Environment" was selected as one of the 2011 yearly research projects of the Korea Institute of Construction & Transportation Technology Evaluation and Planning. In addition, he holds multiple patents through working with various research institutes. 

From its beginning, Parkiz aims to be small but strong, always seeking ways to make a better society through "SMARTECT".

In recent years, PARKiz is in the process of putting more weight on more sophisticated and meaningful industrial facilities, and is striving to provide more practical benefits to our customers and the society.

Insoo Park

Kwangil Zo


Hyunwoo Park

Eunchae Jeong

Dongchan Jeon

Sangwoo Ha

Dara Huy(in Cambodia)

Jihye Baek

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